Knowledge base AI

Chatlayer's Knowledge base AI (or KBAI) allows your bot to generate concise answers after scraping your content. Adding an FAQ flow to your bot was never easier!

A knowledge base is a store of information or data that is available to draw on. It can be constituted of different pieces of content (e.g. URLs, files).

It goes in two steps:

  1. First, you add the content that your bot will scrape to retrieve the answer to the customer's question.

  2. Second, you build a flow to display that answer.

By using the Chatlayer Knowledge base AI's generative AI technology, your bot will be able to answer to questions based on your content and in context.

You can use Knowledge base AI for free if you ask it under 50 questions per month. If you would like to use more than that, please contact us.

⭐️ How to make your KBAI non-generative

Setting up a non-generative knowledge base AI means that:

  • your bot will not use any external LLM providers to generate answers

  • you will only be able to give .csv files in a specific format as KBAI content

  • your bot will be able to understand multiple sentences from your users (i.e. natural language understanding from the AI engine is taking place)

  • but your bot will answer only the sentence that you defined as an answer (i.e. the bot answers are not generated)

To make your bot non-generative:

  1. Go to your Settings tab.

  2. Under Generative AI, turn off the Turn on generative AI features toggle.

  1. Click Save.

Build a powerful, hybrid bot

Bots can become really powerful if you use a mix of intents (answers designed by your team) and knowledge base (AI-driven answers). In this sense, your bot will be hybrid because it uses answers generated both by humans and machine.

  • If you connect your Knowledge base AI Action block to your Not Understood block and add no other content to your bot, all questions from users will be answered directly by your knowledge base AI.

  • If you have other intents in your bot, the intents will be triggered whenever there is a match with the expression from a user. Only when something is said by the user that isn't a match with any intent, the Not Understood block and thus knowledge base AI will be triggered. Get more inspiration on in our handover with KBAI article.

Last updated