Code editor

Learn how to steer the conversation by writing JavaScript code with the Code Action.

The code action allows developers to quickly build custom logic on top of their bot by writing their own Javascript code blocks. Typically, the code editor is used to perform requests to external systems, or to do operations with variables.

Please note that the term dialog state refers to the same thing as block, in the context of development tools.

Getting Started

To get started with the Code Action, create a new 'Action Dialogstate' and select the Code plugin as an action.

Arguments in the Code Editor

You can pass arguments to your Code actions by assigning them keys. Your keys will be made available to the args variable inside the Code Editor.

ChatlayerResponseBuilder function

The ChatlayerResponseBuilder function returns a helper instance that allows you to steer your conversation by sending messages as a bot, navigating to blocks, or even creating session data.

To start manipulating conversation data in your code action, simply call the function ChatlayerResponseBuilder() which will return a ChatlayerResponseBuilder instance.

The ChatlayerResponseBuilder has a fluent interface, this means that every function you call will return the same instance. This makes it easy to chain multiple function calls when, for example, you want to show a message and manipulate session data at the same time.

Whenever you want to publish your changes to the conversation, you must call the send() function.

If you don't call the send() function anywhere in your Code Action, users will not see any of your results after the code has executed.

    .addSessionVariable("user", { address: { ... } })
    .addMessage("Thank you for sharing your address!")

Another way to accomplish the same result:

const builder = ChatlayerResponseBuilder();
builder.addSessionVariable("user", { address: { ... } });
builder.addMessage("Thank you for sharing your address!");

Set variables or send messages

The ChatlayerResponseBuilder has the ability to set variables or adding messages to the chatbot. Both are shown in the example below:

addSessionVariable(namespace: string, data: any): Insert a variable on a certain namespace within the session.

addMessage(message: string): Adds a text message to be sent by the bot.

    .addSessionVariable("user", 'Joachim')
    .addMessage("addSessionVariable done.")

To enhance your variables even more, you can store multiple variables about the user in an object.

    .addSessionVariable("user", { firstName: "Joachim", lastName: "Chatbot" })

If you would like to use this information in a bot message, simply type {user.lastName} and the information is visible in the chatbot!

Next or previous blocks

Based on code, variables or other input, you can steer the conversation to other dialogstates. With the code below you can go to a next dialogstate.

setNextDialogState(dialogstateId: string)

Route the conversation to the given dialogstate ID.

const { introductionDialogstate } = args;

const chatlayer = ChatlayerResponseBuilder();

Bot Message functionalities

In the code editor, some 'bot message' functionalities are also available, such as quick replies or buttons. For more in depth functionality, these same options can be created using code.


In the Code Editor it is also possible to add a carousel, just like in Messages. This can be of added value when dynamic content needs to be shown or to combine a Message and Action block in one.

        title: 'Item 1',
        imageUrl: '',
        buttons: [
            { type: 'web_url', url: '', title: 'Docs' }
        title: 'Item 2',
        // This is optional
        subTitle: 'Item 2 Subtitle',
        // This is also optional, it will redirect a user to a certain website when they click the carousel image
        webUrl: '',
        imageUrl: '',
        buttons: [
            { type: 'web_url', url: '', title: 'Docs' }


Just like the example above, Quick Replies can also be created in the code editor. By copying the code below you can add as many Quick reply buttons as needed.

const quickReplies = [
    title: "Option 1",
    payload: {
      nextDialogstateId: args.setNextDialogstateDs,
      params: [
        // This will be set on the session.0
        { key: "choice", value: "option1" },
    title: "Option 2",
    payload: {
      nextDialogstateId: args.addHtmlDs,
      params: [
        // This will be set on the session.
        { key: "choice", value: "option1" },

        title: 'How can we help you?', // this is the title of the Quick Replies


With bot messages we can also add buttons, but with code there is more variety than the bot message.

const invoices = [

const buttons =, index) => ({
    type: 'postback',
    title: 'Choose ' + invoiceNumber,
    payload: {
        nextDialogstateId: args.nextDialogstate,
        params: [
            { key: 'chosenNumber', value: invoiceNumber },

        title: "These 'postback' buttons can be used to navigate to a certain bot dialog and set a variable when a users clicks on them.",
        title: 'You can also add URL buttons.',
        buttons: [
            { type: 'web_url', title: 'docs', url: '' },
            { type: 'phone_number', title: 'Call 1207', payload: '1207'}

Here, the 'invoices' are the different button options displayed. With the .addButtonGroup you can add these buttons or create URL buttons.

Add HTML or Iframe

HTML can de added in the chatbot to show more diverse output to the user.

        <h1>This is a header</h1>
        <p>Unfortunately, html messages will only work on the web widget.</p>
    `, { withBalloon: true })

Iframes can be used to embed other pages in the chatbot. A perfect example of why you would need an iframe is embedding Youtube videos.

    .addIframe("", {
        withBalloon: false,
        height: "200px"

Add media

The addMediaMessage method supports sending images, audio & video files through code actions.

// Send an image
        type: "image",
        url: "<IMAGE_URL>"

// Send an audio file
        type: "audio",
        url: "<AUDIO_URL>"

// Send a video
        type: "video",
        url: "<VIDEO_URL>"

Utility library and API calls

The following functionality exists inside the Code action's scope:

lodash (_)

Lodash is a JavaScript utility library. You can find more info here.

const introductionDialogstate = _.get(args, 'introductionDialogstate');

const chatlayer = ChatlayerResponseBuilder();


Fetch allows you to perform API calls. Please refer to their documentation to learn more.

const url = '';
const response = await fetch(url).then((res) => {
    // res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300
    if (res.ok) {
        return res;
    } else {
        throw new Error(res.statusText);

const json = await response.json();

const person = _.get(json, 'results[0]');

const chatlayer = ChatlayerResponseBuilder();
chatlayer.addSessionVariable('profile', userProfile);


CryptoJS is a collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in JavaScript. Please access their documentation to learn more.

Creating a slight delay between bot dialogs

We recommend using the delay block to create a delay between bot dialogs. You can learn more about how that works here: Delay

To create a delay in between the integer seconds, like 1500 miliseconds or 1,5 seconds, add a Code widget to your action instead of the Delay pictured above and paste the following code:

const builder = ChatlayerResponseBuilder();

await new Promise((resolve)=>{_.delay(resolve,1500)});

You can adjust the length of the delay by replacing the 1500 with 2500 (2,5 seconds) etc.

Last updated