Sentiment analysis

Determine the sentiment of the user's message to redirect your flow.

Sentiment analysis in NLP refers to the process of automatically determining and categorizing the emotional tone or attitude expressed in a user's input, enabling the bot to respond appropriately based on the detected sentiment.

On Chatlayer, sentiment analysis consists in:

  • a name: either neutral, positive or negative.

  • a score: ranging from 0 to 1.

Enable sentiment analysis

To enable sentiment analysis in your NLP:

  1. Go to any page under your NLP tab.

  1. Click on the Settings button at the top right corner.

  2. Toggle on the Sentiment analysis.

  1. Click Save.

Access sentiment analysis in the user session

To access the sentiment analysis in the user session:

  1. Use the bot Debugger inside your Emulator.

  2. Find the sentiment under nlp. It consists of:

    • name: the name of the sentiment, either positive, negative, or neutral.

    • the score of that sentiment.

  1. Clik on the 3 dots next to the sentiment name or score to copy its path or value and use them inside a Condition block to steer the conversation.

You can check the sentiment of an utterance also under the Test button in your NLP tab.

Last updated