
Test your bot from your canvas to make sure it works as expected.

When your bot does not behave as expected, you need to investigate and identify the issue—also known as debugging. But where should you start? How can you determine the cause of the problem? This article covers the basics of debugging inside the Chatlayer Emulator.

Test your bot in the Emulator

To open your Emulator:

  1. Under the Bot builder tab, click on Flows.

  2. Find the play button in the upper right corner of the screen and click on it.

Open the Emulator by clicking on the play button in the upper-right corner of your canvas.
  1. Test your bot by typing in the input field.

Test your bot in the Emulator.
  1. To restart the test conversation, click on the restart button at the top right corner of the window.

Test modes

Your Emulator has 3 different modes of testing that can be set from the upper part of the window.

3 available modes of testing inside your Emulator.


This is useful if you would like to debug your chatbot. For a most comprehensive guide to debugging, check this page:

Debug your bot


This is the mode to test your voicebot if you have one.

Test your voicebot

WhatsApp Sandbox

This is a test window to test your bot on a WhatsApp channel.

Debug your bot

To debug your bot conversation:

  1. Click on Debugger next the bubble chat.

Click 'debug' icon to open the debugger modal
  1. An Inspector window opens.

Test emulator with debugger side modal

Last updated