The offloading webhook allows you to integrate any human handover live chat platform. You can use the webhook to:
Receive incoming user messages
Receive outgoing bot messages
Act upon offloading requests from a user
Offloading Webhook is for offloading users from bot to human agent. The Webhook channel is a custom integration channel, make sure you don't mix up these two!
To configure your Chatlayer Offloading Webhook, head over to Settings > Offloading and create a Webhook integration.
Enter the API URL for your webservice and a Verify Token allowing you to validate incoming requests.
We will send a test request to your API URL when you press Save to validate whether your webservice is alive and ready to take requests, described in the Health Check method.
Congratulations! You are ready to start using your custom human handover integration.
Webservice Implementation Reference
Your webservice will need to implement the following API methods for us to communicate with. All requests will arrive in JSON format at the API URL configured during the setup of the offloading webhook in Chatlayer. Every JSON POST request has a body with an event parameter that allows you to distinguish between the different types of data coming in. Different types are explained below.
We expect a HTTP status code of 200 for every request made to the webservice. Response data should be in JSON format.
API Health Check
You must send the response as described in the Response tab.
Query Parameters
The verifyToken allows you to validate the request is made by Chatlayer
Query Parameters
The verifyToken allows you to validate the request is made by Chatlayer
Request Body
The time at which the message was generated
An array of user and bot messages
The type of request, in this case messages
The bot version, either DRAFT or LIVE
200 We do not expect a response body.
The items in the messages array have the following format -
Copy {
"actor": "bot" | "user",
"message": UserMessage | BotMessage
BotMessage objects follow the same structure as that of the Webhook Channel API, documented here .
Copy // Text Bot Message example
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "emulator-18878e66-03fb-4ee7-b2c4-eb9db1848291",
"event": "messages",
"messages": [
"actor": "bot",
"message": {
"text": "Hi Welcome"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T07:38:31.387Z"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T07:38:31.387Z"
// Quick reply Bot Message example
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "emulator-d3dac415-5263-482c-a30b-d1588c52d918",
"event": "messages",
"messages": [
"actor": "bot",
"message": {
"text": "Hi Welcome"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T07:47:08.383Z"
"actor": "bot",
"message": {
"text": "Choose what you want to do?",
"quick_replies": [
"title": "Do API FROM CODE",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"Do API FROM CODE\",\"caption\":\"Do API FROM CODE\",\"type\":\"quickreply\",\"parameters\":[],\"nextDialogstateId\":\"19f87132-e23c-4335-877d-6a36f511c2cc\",\"originalTitle\":\"Do API FROM CODE\"}",
"content_type": "text"
"title": "Api Plugin",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"Api Plugin\",\"caption\":\"Api Plugin\",\"type\":\"quickreply\",\"parameters\":[],\"nextDialogstateId\":\"e0b327e0-bfa0-42a7-9685-c68491625b6e\",\"originalTitle\":\"Api Plugin\"}",
"content_type": "text"
"title": "SendMessageFromCode",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"SendMessageFromCode\",\"caption\":\"SendMessageFromCode\",\"type\":\"quickreply\",\"parameters\":[],\"nextDialogstateId\":\"c125a34e-7fec-4385-8333-6a91e25cdcff\",\"originalTitle\":\"SendMessageFromCode\"}",
"content_type": "text"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T07:47:08.384Z"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T07:47:08.383Z"
// carousel / Generic template message
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "emulator-39ac2f23-07ce-4878-bd7d-729e6b39efdf",
"event": "messages",
"messages": [
"actor": "bot",
"message": {
"attachment": {
"type": "template",
"payload": {
"template_type": "generic",
"elements": [
"title": "Item 1",
"image_url": "",
"buttons": [
"title": "Docs",
"url": "",
"type": "web_url"
"title": "Item 2",
"image_url": "",
"subtitle": "Item 2 Subtitle",
"buttons": [
"title": "Docs",
"url": "",
"type": "web_url"
"default_action": {
"url": "",
"type": "web_url"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:24:32.871Z"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:24:32.871Z"
UserMessage objects may have the following structures:
Copy // UserMessage examples
// Intro
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "emulator-942c05c5-b9b7-4319-81e7-6d687afaa23f",
"event": "messages",
"messages": [
"actor": "user",
"message": {
"channelType": "web",
"sender": {
"id": "emulator-942c05c5-b9b7-4319-81e7-6d687afaa23f",
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"botType": "web",
"preferredLanguage": "en",
"firstname": "Guest",
"isEmulator": "true"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:28:05.872Z",
"messageType": "intro",
"id": "61921a15cdee7f37a16ee5fc"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:28:05.872Z"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:28:05.908Z"
// Text
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "emulator-8f5873aa-8fee-471a-9467-81e30dec693d",
"event": "messages",
"messages": [
"actor": "user",
"message": {
"channelType": "web",
"sender": {
"id": "emulator-8f5873aa-8fee-471a-9467-81e30dec693d",
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"botType": "web",
"isEmulator": "true"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:26:13.154Z",
"messageType": "text",
"text": "hi there",
"id": "619219a5cdee7f9f1b6ee5f7"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:26:13.154Z"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:26:13.193Z"
// Upload
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "1636964964162",
"event": "messages",
"messages": [
"actor": "user",
"message": {
"channelType": "web",
"sender": {
"id": "1636964964162",
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"botType": "web",
"firstname": "Guest"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:29:38.900Z",
"messageType": "fileUploadInputResult",
"urls": [
"data": {
"uploadStatus": "SUCCEEDED",
"fileUrl": ""
"id": "61921a72cdee7fd1c56ee614"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:29:38.900Z"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:29:38.934Z"
// Location
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "emulator-8f5873aa-8fee-471a-9467-81e30dec693d",
"event": "messages",
"messages": [
"actor": "user",
"message": {
"channelType": "web",
"sender": {
"id": "emulator-8f5873aa-8fee-471a-9467-81e30dec693d",
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"botType": "web",
"isEmulator": "true"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:26:13.154Z",
"messageType": "location",
"coordinates": { "lat": 0, "long": 0 }
"id": "619219a5cdee7f9f1b6ee5f7"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:26:13.154Z"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:26:13.193Z"
// Postback
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "emulator-6d09d652-a971-47ab-8484-223a86ff316e",
"event": "messages",
"messages": [
"actor": "user",
"message": {
"channelType": "web",
"sender": {
"id": "emulator-6d09d652-a971-47ab-8484-223a86ff316e",
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"botType": "web",
"isEmulator": "true"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:33:39.276Z",
"messageType": "postback",
"title": "Set Variables",
"parameters": [],
"nextDialogstateId": "071abbc7-1d6e-4689-adef-1ea825178a72",
"id": "61921b63cdee7f21ab6ee621"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:33:39.276Z"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:33:39.309Z"
Request Body
The payload you configured in the action dialogstate
An array containing all messages sent throughout the conversation.
The type of request, in this case offload
200 For successful offloading, we expect following response
Copy {
"offloadSuccess": true,
"pauseBot": true
The items in the transcript array have the same format as in the messages method described above.
One example of the offload request can be as follows:
Copy // Some code
"botId": "ko3123ze",
"version": "DRAFT",
"sessionId": "emulator-714a7b79-d674-4a62-a9a9-49581d7451e5",
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:36:21.527Z",
"event": "offload",
"transcript": [
"actor": "bot",
"message": {
"text": "Hi Welcome"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:36:11.991Z"
"actor": "bot",
"message": {
"text": "Choose what you want to do?",
"quick_replies": [
"title": "Do API FROM CODE",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"Do API FROM CODE\",\"caption\":\"Do API FROM CODE\",\"type\":\"quickreply\",\"parameters\":[],\"nextDialogstateId\":\"19f87132-e23c-4335-877d-6a36f511c2cc\",\"originalTitle\":\"Do API FROM CODE\"}",
"content_type": "text"
"title": "Api Plugin",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"Api Plugin\",\"caption\":\"Api Plugin\",\"type\":\"quickreply\",\"parameters\":[],\"nextDialogstateId\":\"e0b327e0-bfa0-42a7-9685-c68491625b6e\",\"originalTitle\":\"Api Plugin\"}",
"content_type": "text"
"title": "carousel",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"carousel\",\"caption\":\"carousel\",\"type\":\"quickreply\",\"parameters\":[],\"nextDialogstateId\":\"0844670c-ee9f-43eb-9102-f50321cb4921\",\"originalTitle\":\"carousel\"}",
"content_type": "text"
"title": "first options",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"first options\",\"caption\":\"first options\",\"type\":\"quickreply\",\"parameters\":[],\"nextDialogstateId\":\"13fc7f3e-80e5-45b8-862b-d2ff436eae0e\",\"originalTitle\":\"first options\"}",
"content_type": "text"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:36:11.992Z"
"actor": "user",
"message": {
"parameters": [],
"text": "first options",
"messageType": "postback",
"title": "first options",
"nextDialogstateId": "13fc7f3e-80e5-45b8-862b-d2ff436eae0e",
"channelType": "emulator",
"sender": {
"id": "emulator-714a7b79-d674-4a62-a9a9-49581d7451e5",
"botId": "ko3123ze"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:36:15.009Z"
"actor": "bot",
"message": {
"attachment": {
"type": "template",
"payload": {
"template_type": "button",
"text": "What do you want to do?",
"buttons": [
"title": "Set Variables",
"type": "postback",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"Set Variables\",\"caption\":\"Set Variables\",\"type\":\"button\",\"originalTitle\":\"Set Variables\",\"nextDialogstateId\":\"071abbc7-1d6e-4689-adef-1ea825178a72\",\"parameters\":[]}"
"title": "offload",
"type": "postback",
"payload": "{\"title\":\"offload\",\"caption\":\"offload\",\"type\":\"button\",\"originalTitle\":\"offload\",\"nextDialogstateId\":\"408c102e-7215-48f8-a76c-5a45d70dcd9d\",\"parameters\":[]}"
"timestamp": "2021-11-15T08:36:15.010Z"
User-requested human handover
Use a "Send to offload provider" Action block to trigger an offload call to your API.
Sending messages as an agent
Use the conversation actions API to send messages as an agent.
Webhook Offloading FAQs
Here you can find frequently asked questions regarding Webhook offloading
Why do I get requests on the offloading endpoint even though the user is not yet offloaded?
We send the details of all the conversations that are happening in between user and the bot to the offloading endpoint under the event: "messages" so you can takeover the conversation if need be. This would also allow customers to keep track of all the conversations if need be.