Not understood block

The default Not understood block is triggered whenever your chatbot didn't understand the user.

Whenever an intent is not recognized above your threshold, the bot will trigger the Not understood block. This is a standard block which can be found in every bot.

In any chatbot, creating a good Not understood reaction is crucial so that your users feel heard and acknowledged, making their overall experience with the chatbot better.

No chatbot user likes to be not understood. Yet, as a chatbot will never be able to understand just anything, Not understood messages will be triggered in many conversations. In addition, users like to test the chatbot limits by asking many things to it just to check its reactions.

Modify your Not understood message

It's crucial to modify your Not understood message so that it is to your chatbot.

To modify your Not undetstood message:

  1. Click on your Not understood block.

  2. The block opens. Modify the message inside the textfield to suit your needs, just like a regular Message block.

  3. Save your changes.

Improve your Not understood user experience

A nice and bot-persona fitted message explaining something like 'Sorry I did not understand that' is the least your bot could do for repair.

Yet, there are several ways to make your Not understood experience even better.

Use AI to find and generate an answer

  • Use GPT to generate an answer.

  • Use Knowledge base AI to retrieve an answer from your database.

Use workarounds to continue the conversation

  • Create a counter where, after a certain amount of times the user sees a different 'not understood' message than the first message.

  • Show the previous block after the 'not understood' message is shown.

  • A specific 'not understood' message per intent below the NLP threshold.

  • Create a google search for 'not understood' messages.

Last updated